Love-Erotic Therapy consists of three courses from Basic spiritual schooling of komaja and one optional course from komaja program.

1st course – Komaja meditation and love meditation
2nd course – Polytherapy
3rd course – Maithuna and theatre of truth
Literature: A. A. Makaja, Eros and Logos, Zagreb 2000; A. A. Makaja, ”Love-erotic (non-) education and drug addiction”, in: Mladi i droga (Youth and drugs). Chronicle of Student centre in Zagreb, University of Zagreb 1999, page 185-193; Olivija Holjac, “From drug addiction to love addiction”, ibid page 194-199.
4th course – Demystification of, and removing the taboo on, sexuality

It takes twelve months to complete Love-Erotic Therapy and after four compulsory courses it is recommended for participants to go through the Kundalini intensive.


200 Euro
160 Euro (students, concessions)


CHF 400
CHF 320 (students, concessions)


140 Pounds
100 pounds (students, concessions)


90 EUR
60 EUR (students, concessions)
0 EUR for soldiers


90 EUR
50 EUR (students, concessions)

or: 25% of the monthly income


All details not explained here are given in brochure KOMAJA - Die geistige Schulung / KOMAJA – The spiritual School, Gottmadingen, 2000.
For further information: Komaja Meditationsschule or
KOMAJA Stiftung zur Förderung der körperlichen und seelischen Gesundheit mittels der Komaja-Meditationsmethoden
Mittelurmi, CH-6442 Gersau, Tel.: +41 (0) 41 397 05 50.