Teamlife or Togetherness is a notion denoting the virtue of quality
living in a community.
The present-day individualist, with a weak and undeveloped Self,
at the very thought of union, is frantically afraid that the union
(love, marriage, friendship, communal etc.) would swallow him, that
his frail Self could disappear in the powerful energy of any group
spirit. On the contrary, the individualist of the future feels challenged
and invited to perfectly amalgamate with the community and to serve
it selflessly like a player in an ideal football team, thus enriching
both his own and the union's spirit. Since he has experienced many
times how the death of his Self out of love, and for even greater
love, results in even greater mental maturity, even greater individual
power, he unsparingly gives and surrenders himself. True love and
giving himself to his neighbours is his life style.
The present-day individualist is narcissistically in love with himself.
The individualist of the future actually notices and assists everybody
around him. He is free, unconditioned: an aware, sustainable force
in the nature.
He has realised that the collapse of the ego-structure by following
the law of love does not only mean the death of the old Self, but
much more, a birth of a new life, a much richer Self.
This new type of man and fellowship is what we need in the struggle
against different forms of addiction.
I see no other way out from the vicious circle of addictions (in
a broader sense) but by creating a healthy community.