Polytherapy is a spiritual, manifold therapeutic method. It enables one to have deep insights into the subconscious and unconscious layers of the psyche. At the same time it helps to transform those psychic blocks, complexes and other disorders, which have been brought into consciousness, into positive and creative manifestations of life. Polytherapy can be offered as therapy sessions for individuals or for couples, but only as group therapy does it encompass all its aspects and thus achieves its greatest effect.
The polytherapy consists of five main aspects:
1. Therapy of truth
- Supported by the therapist and the group, openly confessing
one's minor and major "sins", faults and deviations
(present and past).
- Presenting faults that others have committed or are still committing
against one (without names). The accent is on things usually told
only to the priest and/or - psychiatrist, or not spoken about.
- The greatest positive effect is achieved by saying things most
difficult to utter. In this collective confession the greatest
significance is given to sexual aspect.
2. Therapy of witnesses
- consists of deliberate observation, experiencing and overcoming
embarrassment and pains of the person speaking.
- consists of deliberate observation, experiencing, and overcoming
one's own embarrassment and pain, thinking about having to do
the same oneself (the same holds for embarrassment and pains caused
by the contents itself).
3. Role-playing therapy
Each participant should play the following three roles:
- confessor
- witness
- therapist (as much as will contribute to the success of the
therapy in the therapist's assessment)
4. Pressure Therapy
Pressure on a person to confess something is done only at the
person's request. All the people present are instructed in advance
that they can request the interruption of this most delicate sort
of therapy at any moment.
5. Love Therapy
The therapist together with all the other participants of polytherapy
tries hard to support the endeavours of everybody during this
painful but very cathartic process.
Anything learned about anyone during polytherapy is a polytherapy
secret binding all the participants equally.